VACATION...Always together!!

About 3 weeks ago the family and I went on a mini "vacation". We didn't travel to Europe, or visit Africa. We went to someplace far MORE exciting....we went to Hogle Zoo!! Oh my, my kids have grown so much! So the picture of me in the Superman T-shirt was taken in 2013, the picture of me in the hoodie was taken in 2014. It kinda makes you wanna take a step back and look at all of the changed myself and my family has gone through.. I stand all amazed! Somehow when I know a picture is being taken....I tend to closed my eyes...stupid contacts!! Any ways....We..well...I was totally excited for this trip...because we were able to stay with our Uncle Kim and Aunt Dorthy..and to be quit was amazing! Their house is built in a cute neighborhood..and we stayed in Ogden, UT. When we first arrived we were told to make ourselves at home...believe me when I kids took that LITERALLY!! Sam started throwing their couch cushions off the couch, an...