Summa Time!!!
Yikes it has been quit a while since I posted last....but with good reason....I have just not really wanted to I mean I thought bout it as I tuck my daughter in to bed...or as I clean through out the day. But I have just been so busy with life. So much has happened since I blogged last....well schools out!! And so that means I usually have to entertain children all day long!! Don't get me wrong I am so glad that school is out, they work hard all year long so this is a much needed reprieve. But I hate the fact that 2 weeks after school lets out that I hear this phrase over and over again..." MOM, I'm bored .....there is NOTHING to do here!" Then when giving them multiple choices of actives to do...they always turn me down. *** sigh** And it all starts over the next day. Then Leslie had a birthday! She turned 8!!! And she was so excited!!! For those who don't know when you belong to the Church Of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints... at the age of 8 your eligib...