I almost surrendered

It has been a really long time since I have blogged last and I know that I said I was going to blog about Girls Camp..but I will eventually get to that..but these last 2 weeks have been so hard. Like harder than normal...I felt myself wanting to give in and give up to the pain in my heart. I thought that this latest trial would break me...I feel as though I have noghting left to give. What am I suppose to learn from this that I haven't already learned from the last one. Well...I'll start from the beginning to get you guys caught up. I am a substitute teacher and I was subbing for my son's class for about 3 weeks because his teacher had to have surgery and she was out for a while. So I'm subbing for this teacher who is great and I sometimes wonder if I'm even qualified to fill her shoes cuz guys teaching is H.A.R.D!!! And I've known most of these kids for a while...I subbed last year for and so for the most part I'm pretty comfortable with the kids......