My Dad

It's just a regular work day for me...when I look at the clock and for some reason...when I looked at it and realized that is was only 3:00 p.m. I felt something was wrong. Although I didn't know why...I was at Skyline High the computer lab subbing. I just couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. The last time I had this feeling my sister, Steph, was involved in a car wreak that almost took her life. I figured that it was maybe do to the fact that there were some Freshman boys who were trying out my patience and that was why I felt off.. Well..lets fast forward 2 hours later..when I received a phone call from my mom. I was really not looking forward to this conversation because she ends up re-telling me the same stories loads of times...and it's hard for me to remain impartial when she is telling me her financial situation and to whom she loans money too. To sum up this conversation...she tells me that at around 3:00p.m....