Moving on up.

So much has happened in the past 2 years it's been hard to keep up and to keep it all straight. It's Kylie's SENIOR YEAR in High School!! That being said, she will also turn 18 in about one month. Leslie is an 8th grader....and is flourishing in her art. I mean she just sits down and all these drawings are so effortless for her. I wish that I had that...but I don't and that's ok. And that brings us up to the main idea of this blog post....SAM. He just turned 11 and was recently set apart as a Deacon in the Priesthood. And he gets to go to Young Men's Activities on Tuesday nights. But this Sunday was a special one because Sam was able to pass the Sacrament for the very first time. He woke up early Sunday morning and said to me, "Ok...Mom, I'm ready". "Ummm...your still in your pj's so you're not completely ready". He then noticed and quickly went to change into the appropriate attire. Ken was so good to help pass it ever...