A whirl win Summer
I can hardly believe that summer vacation is almost over! It doesn't seem like it's been 3 months but it
is time for me to go back to work. Well in 1 more week...I totally will. But until then I will try to fit in as much as I can about our summer and all of the fun we had as a family. So there will probably be a ton of fun pictures to upload and talk about....oh...I was able to go to Girls' Camp with my oldest daughter and a bunch of fun girls from our ward.. I'm pretty sure that will have to be posted on its own. (there are a lot of pictures)
A couple days later we went to the very famous Jefferson County (Rigby) Lake. We had the privilege of having Kylie's best friend, Erika, come with us as well as my little cousin, Abram. They had so much fun playing and building sand castles and just hanging out.

Sam kept begging for Ken to throw him into the water...and Ken did several times. The kid just loved it!
*fun side note about Abram and Sam, when we first got there while the rest of us were applying sun block these two yahoos took off to the slide and surely gave us a heart attack because we couldn't find them! Don't worry though we found them and told them that they had to have adult supervision when going on the slide . Neither of them could swim real well and there are NO lifeguards out there.
Say Cheese!!

is time for me to go back to work. Well in 1 more week...I totally will. But until then I will try to fit in as much as I can about our summer and all of the fun we had as a family. So there will probably be a ton of fun pictures to upload and talk about....oh...I was able to go to Girls' Camp with my oldest daughter and a bunch of fun girls from our ward.. I'm pretty sure that will have to be posted on its own. (there are a lot of pictures)
We did the Firecracker 5K this year...and I did it with my Aunt Brittany, and Ken. There was also another friend Natalie that did it too....but I don't know what I was thinking and I didn't get any pictures of that race...I know that Ken did. My time went up from last year. Last year my time was 33.11 this year it was 34:07. Oh Well...I'm really only competing with myself. So next year that is my time to beat.
A couple days later we went to the very famous Jefferson County (Rigby) Lake. We had the privilege of having Kylie's best friend, Erika, come with us as well as my little cousin, Abram. They had so much fun playing and building sand castles and just hanging out.

Sam kept begging for Ken to throw him into the water...and Ken did several times. The kid just loved it!
*fun side note about Abram and Sam, when we first got there while the rest of us were applying sun block these two yahoos took off to the slide and surely gave us a heart attack because we couldn't find them! Don't worry though we found them and told them that they had to have adult supervision when going on the slide . Neither of them could swim real well and there are NO lifeguards out there.
Say Cheese!!

She was done!
Then a couple of weeks later we went to Rexburg Rapids...if you've never been you should go! It's so much fun!!! If you are asking what it is...why my friend its a water park that has 2 slides, and a lazy river that you can float down and a deep end pool that you can rock climb and then jump into. The Yellow slide is the super fast slide and the blue slide is a slower one but still fast enough to scare the crap outta ya!
It was so much fun! We were able to go with the Dailey's!! Some friends of ours. We really had fun just swimming and eating and just playing. Here's a fun story about the slide..whenever I would go down one...I would hit the pool and my butt would sink me to a point that my feet would float up to the top and come out into 1st position...like a ballerina. Ken and Kylie would watch for that and laugh up a storm. I'm glad that they thought it was so funny. When I would get tired of swallowing water I would float down the lazy river and try not to freeze in the breeze.
I think that I will continue on tomorrow with Girls Camp!!
So stay tuned!
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