This is my very first blog! To be quit honest the thought hadn't really even crossed my mind....until recently. And by recently I mean....today. Here's how the conversation went with Ken(the hubbs): "You should totally start a blog!"...."ummmm...what?!" "ya know...I think it would be awesome for you!" "What the heck would I even blog about?" Kylie(11yr-old daughter) chimed in: "Yeah, Mom....you could talk about your weight loss...and how you keep at it!" Yeah...don't worry she'll get punished later by picking up dog bombs! And so like all things I do...I procrastinate and think it over until finally I just can't get that thought out of my head. So here I am blogging. And I know that some of you out there....want to know how I did it and what I did. Not to worry my friends I will get to that all in good time, but first a little background info is key...This is a journey that is far from over. It's on...