This is my very first blog! To be quit honest the thought hadn't really even crossed my mind....until recently. And by recently I Here's how the conversation went with Ken(the hubbs):
"You should totally start a blog!"...."ummmm...what?!" "ya know...I think it would be awesome for you!"
"What the heck would I even blog about?"
Kylie(11yr-old daughter) chimed in: "Yeah, could talk about your weight loss...and how you keep at it!" Yeah...don't worry she'll get punished later by picking up dog bombs!
And so like all things I do...I procrastinate and think it over until finally I just can't get that thought out of my head. So here I am blogging. And I know that some of you out there....want to know how I did it and what I did. Not to worry my friends I will get to that all in good time, but first a little background info is key...This is a journey that is far from over. It's only the beginning.
So I have always been a big High School I maintained a size 14. Ya know average..and I'm fine with that....until you try out SEVERAL times for the dance team and get told..."your too big....we don't have costumes big enough to fit you." Or my personal favorite, "I could recommend a Dr. to help you loose the weight". Right before my Senior Year the obsession with working out began..I would wake up at 7 am (keep in mind this is summer vacation, so most normal 17 year olds are probably sleeping in) and workout until 10am. (see that's overdoing it). So now that I'm older I know this is bad for you...but at that time I had no idea. No one was there to intervene and tell me that with out a clean diet this really isn't going to do a whole lot for you...but I'm getting a head of myself.
Fast Forward several years later and we get this 

So after 12 years of marriage and 3 kids we are left with the bottom pic of me...I was tired of feeling like I couldn't do anything to keep up with my kids. Those of you lucky enough to meet Sam know what I mean! Ken ordered P90X, and I had done it for about 1 year and saw some minor results...I wanted something else. I really didn't want to have to buy a gym membership because I might loose interest and stop going...them I'm out of all that money...and I hate to be wasteful...I was on Facebook and remembered that I checked a box about P90X... Then I met a BeachBody coach named Heather and my thought was "GREAT!! What is she going to sell me" only she didn't try to sell me anything... We started this chat about fitness and what I wanted in life in general. I didn't think too much about but I decided to do some research on my own... and I did and I bought this.
Let me just tell you for those who are looking for results this will do it! But you have to be prepared to work for it..cuz if you aren't willing to work....this is not your workout!
You have been corrupted once again by....Ken!
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy that you're going to blog about your journey. It was such a great tool for me when I was dedicated. You're amazing. I'm proud of you and all that you've accomplished. You go girl! Change the world!!!!