I just need someone to LEAN 1 on!!
I really wasn't going to blog about this NEW workout...however after being asked about it like, a bazillion times...and YES bazillion is a number....I totally will. So after I finished Turbo-fire for 3 rounds ( each round is about 4 months) I wanted something different..not that I don't love Chalene Johnson (creator of Turbo-fire) I just wanted a change. While looking on the Team Beachbody website...I saw a NEW workout program that caught my eye...and so I clicked on the little eye-con that said "play video" and I saw this. Okay, so I wanted to put this amazing video clip of Combat on here...but unfortunately the BB website wouldn't allow me to...so trust me when I say your going to have to watch it on Team Beachbody.com.
Ken and I worked out to Combat for 2 rounds. In Combat its a LOT of cardio kind of like Turbo-fire, except that in Combat you learn MIXED MARTIAL ARTS!! Heck yeah!! Sign me up for some of that!! Who wouldn't want to learn how to punch and kick at someone so hard that you can cause some serious damage to them?! (Hopefully it will never come to that but in today's world ya just never know). Anyways....when we ordered Combat.( Ken's soul-mate workout) we also ordered another workout called Chalene Extreme. Now I know what your thinking..."umm....HELLO!! Didn't you just say you wanted something different?!?! " Well....yes and no. I did say that I was ready for a change...I didn't say that I wanted a change in trainers... NOT that I don't LOVE DAN and RACH. But there is just something about Chalene that makes you want to work so hard that you there is no way you want to let her down. Her attitude is just so happy and that catches on. Sorry I totally lost my train of thought!
Oh yeah...so Chalene Extreme is all about WEIGHT LIFTING!! BOOM!! Betcha didn't see that coming! I can hear you neigh sayers out there!! Aren't ya going to bulk up? Muscle weighs more than fat....I thought you wanted to loose weight and not gain it.
Fact #1 Women can't get as big and bulky as men who lift weights. Why you ask...well women are different than men (DUH!) women don't have as much testosterone in their system. Testosterone is what helps men to really bulk, and chances are if you see a women who has really bulked up she is getting help from a little vial...and NO its not legal!
Fact # 2 Contrary to popular belief muscle and fat weigh the SAME!! Go ahead and Google 5 lbs of fat vs 5 lbs of muscle and see what you get. Muscle is leaner so it takes up less room, also muscle burns fat!!
Chalene Extreme is a weightlifting program that has different phases in it. They are all awesome BTW!! I just happen to like what i did yesterday A LOT! The first phase is called the Burn Phase it has 3 dvd's that you do and its helps get your metabolism on fire!! In the Burn Phase you combine the upper body with the lower body at the same time. 3 dvd's here too!
In Phase 2 or what's commonly known as the PUSH Phase, yes your still lifting weights...however your lifting HEAVY!! Not 5 or 8 lbs weights...i mean HEAVY HEAVY weights. Weights that will cause you to fail by rep #6.
So, Yesterday Ken and I enetered Phase 3 which is called LEAN Phase..there are 3 dvd's in this phase as well. And as far as I can tell this phase combines upper body with the lower body. I was sweatin' so bad...and you wouldn't think that you would because there is no cardio. But man I totally was!! It was great!! If you don't believe me just look at these reults
Dang Right, Sista! Check out them guns!!! BAM!
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