It's a MAJOR award!...well sort of!
So every year our ward has an annual chili cook-off... Where a bunch of people bring their homemade chili and cornbread and is judged accordingly. Either by peers or this year they did something new...they had a panel of judges. Which I thought was very clever! Two years ago Ken and I were assigned to be on this committee and I wish that we had thought of that...
ANY WHO, back to the story. I made my chili that morning, just threw all the ingredients in the crock pot. Who doesn't love the crock pot!?? CRAZY not to. About 45 minutes before it started I made the cornbread like I always do. No big deal, right, I was just hoping that it would finish in time so we could be on time. Contrary to popular belief I HATE BEING LATE!!!
Fast Forward about 1 hour later and Ken and I are stuffing our faces with this Chocolate and LAMB chili!!
SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!! I know, weird combo but it totally worked! When I went back to get seconds( don't judge me!) I saw a recipe that totally caught my eye...I can hear you thinking "What could possibly have been more interesting than chocolate and lamb chili?" Well my was PUMPKIN Chili!! This was the best chili that I have EVER tasted!! So SO SO SO good!!
After our family had finished stuffing our faces it was THAT time!! YES!!! I know so exciting!! It was time to find out who won! Most unique chili was the Chocolate and Lamb (uh....DUH!)
Best tasting chili was the Pumpkin chili!! (YES!! Glad I tasted that one)
Besides these two there were more, but I for the life of me can't remember what they were...I think I was tuned out since I didn't hear my name...and..I..ok..ok..ya caught me I will fess up! Yes, I was eating dessert at that time!
The host has moved with the awards and has stated " Most Sumptuous cornbread award go to the STEPHENS FAMILY!"
I looked at Ken, at a loss for words.. "umm....What?!" That can't be right..I don't think that I am that good of a obviously I heard wrong.
But NO I didn't....he is still looking at I walk up there to claim my reward which was this
AWESOME!! Right!!! And it also came with a rockin' Chili necklace that I couldn't find at the time I took this pic...oh well. Sam probably has it in his mess of a room! UGH anyways.. I don't usually win anything...I was just happy to be around my ward family because they are a great group of people..and I usually get asked all those fun questions like here an example from my Visiting Teacher: You must work out like for 4 hours a day, right? How much do you eat?
I just think it is so funny that she asks me these same questions EVERY time I see her! Love her!!
What's my secret for Most sumptuous cornbread you say?!!'ll just have to come over on a night when we have it and see if you can taste it yourselves! So this is my MAJOR AWARD!! What were you expecting...a leg lamp??!!!
ANY WHO, back to the story. I made my chili that morning, just threw all the ingredients in the crock pot. Who doesn't love the crock pot!?? CRAZY not to. About 45 minutes before it started I made the cornbread like I always do. No big deal, right, I was just hoping that it would finish in time so we could be on time. Contrary to popular belief I HATE BEING LATE!!!
Fast Forward about 1 hour later and Ken and I are stuffing our faces with this Chocolate and LAMB chili!!
SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!! I know, weird combo but it totally worked! When I went back to get seconds( don't judge me!) I saw a recipe that totally caught my eye...I can hear you thinking "What could possibly have been more interesting than chocolate and lamb chili?" Well my was PUMPKIN Chili!! This was the best chili that I have EVER tasted!! So SO SO SO good!!
After our family had finished stuffing our faces it was THAT time!! YES!!! I know so exciting!! It was time to find out who won! Most unique chili was the Chocolate and Lamb (uh....DUH!)
Best tasting chili was the Pumpkin chili!! (YES!! Glad I tasted that one)
Besides these two there were more, but I for the life of me can't remember what they were...I think I was tuned out since I didn't hear my name...and..I..ok..ok..ya caught me I will fess up! Yes, I was eating dessert at that time!
The host has moved with the awards and has stated " Most Sumptuous cornbread award go to the STEPHENS FAMILY!"
I looked at Ken, at a loss for words.. "umm....What?!" That can't be right..I don't think that I am that good of a obviously I heard wrong.
But NO I didn't....he is still looking at I walk up there to claim my reward which was this
AWESOME!! Right!!! And it also came with a rockin' Chili necklace that I couldn't find at the time I took this pic...oh well. Sam probably has it in his mess of a room! UGH anyways.. I don't usually win anything...I was just happy to be around my ward family because they are a great group of people..and I usually get asked all those fun questions like here an example from my Visiting Teacher: You must work out like for 4 hours a day, right? How much do you eat?
I just think it is so funny that she asks me these same questions EVERY time I see her! Love her!!
What's my secret for Most sumptuous cornbread you say?!!'ll just have to come over on a night when we have it and see if you can taste it yourselves! So this is my MAJOR AWARD!! What were you expecting...a leg lamp??!!!
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