When did I get so old?!!?!

Last night as I was finishing getting dinner in the oven....I received a text from a sender I didn't know...so my first reaction is...who is this and what the heck do they want. Upon further questioning I find out that its one of Kylie's friend who happens to be a boy!!! Kay so....I don't know if you know, but Kylie is our oldest and she is 11-and-a-half years old!!! GULP!!! I remember being 11 years old...and I know I didn't get ANY phone calls or texts from boys. Now when I was 15.. Yes I did date before I was 16 once! Okay it was 1 date...and after that 1 date I kinda shied away from it. Not that I didn't have fun...I was just so nervous that I thought I was gonna throw up the WHOLE time that is a story for another time.. So this dude...we will call him....Don...was texting..me thinking that I was Kylie and when I asked him if he wanted to speak to Kylie he was all...." I'm sorry....I thought this was Kylie's phone". What are you thinking t...