Halloween its Witch's Night OUT!!!!
Ahhh!! Halloween!! I love it...although I'm not sure why I do. I mean...for anyone who is trying to get healthy and not get lead into temptation with all the chocolate, sugary goodness, its really hard to stay on track. But I love it anyways....I think it has to do with remembering when I was in elementary school and we used to dress up for it...and my dad would always encourage us to be something gruesome. He didn't want us to be a princess or a ballerina, he always wanted us to be something really gross like with blood and guts hanging out..the whole nine yards... I finally caved in when I turned 18 and let him put makeup on me and i had my neck slashed and everything...I hate to admit it, but that was the best Halloween for me...
Any-who the point is I LoVeD it!!! So about 3 weeks before Halloween Ken and I were paying bills when we realized that we had extra money this month. Ka-Ching!!
So I told him" Halloween is coming up....maybe we should buy the kids costumes early then we don't have to worry about it." When I looked at him I could see the wheels screeching to a halt! EEERRRCH!!
He was all " Oh Okay...wait do the kids even know what they wanna be?"
"I'm glad you asked my friend, Sam does....I'm not sure about Leslie and Kylie's not sure she wants to dress up this year."
For those of you who don't know our family is very big into superheros. I'm not just talking a little bit. I mean the back of my van has a Green Lantern Symbol on it....my only hoodie that I wear religiously has the S shield on it...and it helps that Ken is a comic book geek...or nerd.
So Sam with his super hearing...yells that he wants to be "Wolverine". I mean he yells it from the top of his lungs. Ken and I are upstairs in the office, he is downstairs watching Power Rangers or some show like that on Netflix.
2 hours later we are at Target with Leslie and Sam trying to narrow down his options. Wolverine is very expensive at Target and as much as I want him to have this costume..I am not paying $40.00 for something he is going to wear one night.( But if you know Sam and his love for Spider-man, you should know that he will wear the costume until it is thread bare, and barely hanging on him.) Leslie has narrowed it down between a couple of Monster High girls....I can't remember what the one was..but the one she picked was Caterine. She later told me that she Caterine because this costume came with lipstick. She is such a girly girl! She always wants to wear dresses. It doesn't matter that its -40 she wants to wear a dress..she says that they keep her warm.
We finally stopped at Walmart and browsed the costumes and they had they price range we were looking for...and they had the costumes too. So we bought them and they kids were suuuuppper Happy!!! That's all they could talk about. So I know how Sam is so Ken hung them in our closet so that they could look at them and see that they were safe but they couldn't wear them until Halloween. I kid you not, every 10-15 minutes after the date of purchase Sam had to "check on his costume" just to make sure that I hadn't tried it on. ME the MOM!!!
On one particular afternoon, I had a little too much lunch and Sam and I were watching X-men and I started to drift off to slumber land. The next thing I remember was that I heard a chair being dragged across the floor, but i didn't think too much of it, maybe Sam is just getting himself a snack. He knows I can be quit grumpy when I get woken up from a nap.When I heard it again I waited for about 5 minutes then I thought , "its tooo quiet....what's that BOY up to now?"
Low and behold...that little demon spawn had placed the chair in my room, to where he could reach it and pull it down out of my closet! When I saw him I said " Just what do you think you are doing!?" "MOM!! I thought you were asleep!!" I...well...um...I...you see my costume was lonely so I thought I could try it on, so can I?"
Needless to say, he tried it on, then I had to re-hide it...only he knew where I hid it! But he couldn't figure out how to open my hope chest! woo-hoo!! He has been up to this kind of behavior every day!!
If your wondering about Kylie, yes she finally decided on what to be, she was Fiona, NO NOT FROM Shriek...Fiona from ADVENTURE TIME. Which I thought would have been great if she wasn't going trick-or-treating...but she was and in shorts and 40 degrees...that girl is BRAVE!!!
Finally the day came and the kids all got to wear their costumes! You would have thought it was picture day at my house helping with hair and makeup! But poor little Sammy! Remember his costume is a Wolverine, we even went back to Target to get these claws!
Ya think that the manufacturer who made the costume would have remembered his head! So after he cried and said he couldn't be the real wolverine we made a special trip to the store to get him a special hat!
My Fiona! She's a knockout!! She's got a couple of boys who really like her and I tease about it all the time. The cat was suppose to be Fiona's cat named Cake.
Any-who the point is I LoVeD it!!! So about 3 weeks before Halloween Ken and I were paying bills when we realized that we had extra money this month. Ka-Ching!!
So I told him" Halloween is coming up....maybe we should buy the kids costumes early then we don't have to worry about it." When I looked at him I could see the wheels screeching to a halt! EEERRRCH!!
He was all " Oh Okay...wait do the kids even know what they wanna be?"
"I'm glad you asked my friend, Sam does....I'm not sure about Leslie and Kylie's not sure she wants to dress up this year."
For those of you who don't know our family is very big into superheros. I'm not just talking a little bit. I mean the back of my van has a Green Lantern Symbol on it....my only hoodie that I wear religiously has the S shield on it...and it helps that Ken is a comic book geek...or nerd.
So Sam with his super hearing...yells that he wants to be "Wolverine". I mean he yells it from the top of his lungs. Ken and I are upstairs in the office, he is downstairs watching Power Rangers or some show like that on Netflix.
2 hours later we are at Target with Leslie and Sam trying to narrow down his options. Wolverine is very expensive at Target and as much as I want him to have this costume..I am not paying $40.00 for something he is going to wear one night.( But if you know Sam and his love for Spider-man, you should know that he will wear the costume until it is thread bare, and barely hanging on him.) Leslie has narrowed it down between a couple of Monster High girls....I can't remember what the one was..but the one she picked was Caterine. She later told me that she Caterine because this costume came with lipstick. She is such a girly girl! She always wants to wear dresses. It doesn't matter that its -40 she wants to wear a dress..she says that they keep her warm.
We finally stopped at Walmart and browsed the costumes and they had they price range we were looking for...and they had the costumes too. So we bought them and they kids were suuuuppper Happy!!! That's all they could talk about. So I know how Sam is so Ken hung them in our closet so that they could look at them and see that they were safe but they couldn't wear them until Halloween. I kid you not, every 10-15 minutes after the date of purchase Sam had to "check on his costume" just to make sure that I hadn't tried it on. ME the MOM!!!
On one particular afternoon, I had a little too much lunch and Sam and I were watching X-men and I started to drift off to slumber land. The next thing I remember was that I heard a chair being dragged across the floor, but i didn't think too much of it, maybe Sam is just getting himself a snack. He knows I can be quit grumpy when I get woken up from a nap.When I heard it again I waited for about 5 minutes then I thought , "its tooo quiet....what's that BOY up to now?"
Low and behold...that little demon spawn had placed the chair in my room, to where he could reach it and pull it down out of my closet! When I saw him I said " Just what do you think you are doing!?" "MOM!! I thought you were asleep!!" I...well...um...I...you see my costume was lonely so I thought I could try it on, so can I?"
Needless to say, he tried it on, then I had to re-hide it...only he knew where I hid it! But he couldn't figure out how to open my hope chest! woo-hoo!! He has been up to this kind of behavior every day!!
If your wondering about Kylie, yes she finally decided on what to be, she was Fiona, NO NOT FROM Shriek...Fiona from ADVENTURE TIME. Which I thought would have been great if she wasn't going trick-or-treating...but she was and in shorts and 40 degrees...that girl is BRAVE!!!
Finally the day came and the kids all got to wear their costumes! You would have thought it was picture day at my house helping with hair and makeup! But poor little Sammy! Remember his costume is a Wolverine, we even went back to Target to get these claws!
Ya think that the manufacturer who made the costume would have remembered his head! So after he cried and said he couldn't be the real wolverine we made a special trip to the store to get him a special hat!

The kids definitely make Halloween the best!