Kylie turned 12!! GULP!!!!

I knew it was bound to happen....I just really didn't want it to happen...

My oldest daughter turned 12 yesterday!! And I was excited for her...until Sunday during Sacrament meeting one of the members of the Bishopric called her up to the pulpit to give her a medallion and a couple of certificates for graduating Primary...and her little lip started to quiver and I saw the tears in her eyes...she told me that she has mixed feelings for turning 12. She is excited to start the Young Women's program...but she is sad to leave Primary behind. I can understand a way she is saying "goodbye" to her childhood as she prepares for becoming a teenager. ***Shutters***

For our family on birthdays we let them choose an outing and dinner...or a slumber party with friends. However with Kylie we told her she can choose only 1 thing to do...simply because...well... during the month of February we have a lot going on! There's Kylie's birthday, then my birthday, Ken and I's Anniversary, and finally my Dad's Birthday!  Phew!! That's a LOT of cake!!!
So she chose to go bowling of all things! Which I am quit nervous about because the only bowling that I have done has been on the wii. I can't really remember the last time I went bowling....I was teasing Ken saying that we might just have to talk the Bowling Alley workers into putting up the gutters so that way..NO ONE (and by no one I mean me) will get a gutter ball.  Knowing my luck SAM will rock it and I will be known as the mother of a 5 year old who bowled better than the whole family!

Anyways...for Kylie's birthday...I made her her favorite dinner of authentic Sweet and Sour Chicken. In our last ward I was VT partners with a women who came from Taiwan, and she was kind enough to share the recipe with me and I have been making it ever since. And it is sooo good!! I can't even eat it at a restaurant because I like the way this recipe turns out every single time that I make it!  Afterwards we had cake and ice-cream. I saw on PINTEREST how to make this cake...except I couldn't find extra large KITKAT bars so I opted for heart shaped Reese's Peanut-Butter Cups. It was a double layer cake...than had cheesecake pudding and strawberries in between. And I just did a simple frosting but it was also cheesecake flavored.
We had ice-cream as well....and there were presents....lots of presents!!  There was even a boy at school who is crushin' pretty hard on her and she got a couple of things from him!!She just shakes her head whenever I tease her about it...she likes him as a friend...but doesn't want anything more  because she's not old enough to date/have a boyfriend...and she's friends with his kinda awkward..
cute right!!

And she got i think 4 books, an owl cd, and some makeup and jewelry..oh and she wanted a 52oz soda. I can totally give her that! All in all I'd say she had a pretty good day...she's a good kid and I have no problem smackin' anyone else who says anything different. I have NO problem spoiling her rotten...cuz she deserves it! She seems pretty happy with it!! Don't ya think?? 


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