Meanwhile At The Hall of Justice!
Have I told you lately that I am so Thankful for my regular schedule???
I mean I am great full to have my kids home for 2 weeks....but during that two week time that they have seems like all I hear are fighting among Leslie (who is 8) and Sam (who just turned 6). And it gets to the point that I am ready to pull my hair out, because they are snapping at each other, and I feel that that is more my fault. Well...because before I found out I had hypothyroidism..I was irritable..pissy...and sometimes just down right mean. Now that I have my "happy pills", I am more me. Things don't really annoy me as often. I really just kind of am relaxed about things.
Moving on, like any good mom...I love my kids. But I am so glad that they went back to school this week...and I am on my normal schedule.
So for Christmas this year one of the main big presents that I bought for Ken was Body Beast. It is a weight lifting program and I was so excited to see his face on Christmas morning..because he had mentioned that he wouldn't mind trying it and I knew that it was on I totally bought it. (Yeah...I really wanted to try it too).
Here's his face when he figured out what it was...the box was kind of misleading...he thought that he got shoes!
I just love the fact that he was so surprised!! The only person in our family that I told was Kylie. The others really can't keep a secret. And I told my fitness group that I belong too...cuz I was so stoked!!
So first of all
LOOK AT THE SIZE OF SAGI!! HE"S HUGE!!! Yeah.....I'm a little nervous!
I kept thinking...what in the world did I get myself into....why did I buy this for Ken...??!!
Yeah..I think that its safe to say that I was totally freaking out!!
But change is good...right!? And I know that I am not going to build muscle like the dudes...I'm just not built that way....and change is good.
That has become my new mantra for this year...change is good. Muscle is the new sexy!! I will totally give a review of the program after I complete it in 90 days! so stay tuned!!
I mean I am great full to have my kids home for 2 weeks....but during that two week time that they have seems like all I hear are fighting among Leslie (who is 8) and Sam (who just turned 6). And it gets to the point that I am ready to pull my hair out, because they are snapping at each other, and I feel that that is more my fault. Well...because before I found out I had hypothyroidism..I was irritable..pissy...and sometimes just down right mean. Now that I have my "happy pills", I am more me. Things don't really annoy me as often. I really just kind of am relaxed about things.
Moving on, like any good mom...I love my kids. But I am so glad that they went back to school this week...and I am on my normal schedule.
So for Christmas this year one of the main big presents that I bought for Ken was Body Beast. It is a weight lifting program and I was so excited to see his face on Christmas morning..because he had mentioned that he wouldn't mind trying it and I knew that it was on I totally bought it. (Yeah...I really wanted to try it too).
Here's his face when he figured out what it was...the box was kind of misleading...he thought that he got shoes!

After Christmas Ken and I decided we were going to try last night we watched the Basics dvd as well as the first workout.
LOOK AT THE SIZE OF SAGI!! HE"S HUGE!!! Yeah.....I'm a little nervous!
I kept thinking...what in the world did I get myself into....why did I buy this for Ken...??!!
Yeah..I think that its safe to say that I was totally freaking out!!
But change is good...right!? And I know that I am not going to build muscle like the dudes...I'm just not built that way....and change is good.
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