Goal Crusher and family fun

So last blog...I left off at Leslie's birthday...so it's time to fill you all in on what has happened since. We had family come home from Tennessee.Which was great!! I have missed them so much. They come home once a year usually around my Aunt's Birthday..and this year they came home because their youngest had recently turned the ripe old age of 8. She wanted to be baptized here where all her other siblings were.. which I totally understand. Teddy and Uncle Nate, after baptism Tina,and Tian taking the above picture. I am not sure where Thannon and Maddie went... I lead the opening song, and I felt fine...totally normal. When we got up to change rooms so that we could all witness the baptism..something shifted and my stomach ( well I thought it was my stomach) started to hurt...no I am not talking about a belly ache. It felt as though someone took a knife and was stabbing my in my lower left quadrant over and over again.** Earlier during the wee...