Goal Crusher and family fun

So last blog...I left off at Leslie's birthday...so it's time to fill you all in on what has happened since. 
We had family come home from Tennessee.Which was great!! I have missed them so much. They come home once a year usually around my Aunt's Birthday..and this year they came home because their youngest had recently turned the ripe old age of 8. She wanted to be baptized here where all her other siblings were.. which I totally understand. 
Teddy and Uncle Nate, after baptism

Tina,and Tian  taking the above picture. I am not sure where Thannon and Maddie went...
 I lead the opening song, and I felt fine...totally normal. When we got up to change rooms so that we could all witness the baptism..something shifted and my stomach ( well I thought it was my stomach) started to hurt...no I am not talking about a belly ache. It felt as though someone took a knife and was stabbing my in my lower left quadrant over and over again.** Earlier during the week I had that same feeling...but I thought it was the Shakeology that I'd had and thought maybe if I were to use the facility restroom the pain would go away like it previously did. ** So.. we are walking to the room where the baptismal faunt is kept and I gave Ken my purse to hold on to while I went to the ladies room.  By the time I sat down in the baptismal room...everyone was standing to see Teddy...I had missed it...I looked at Ken and said" Wait...I missed it...I was gone for 2 min." He said he was sorry it happened pretty fast. So I huffed, kinda disappointed that I missed that important moment...and slowly started to get up...but it hurt to stand ALL the way erect so I just kinda hunched over and started to file out of the isle. That's the moment when I felt very weird...the noise of other people in the room just went away...like if you were to put on headphones that cancel out noise. With every step I took the pain intensified, and the room started to spin. Like when you were little and you rode on the merry-go-round too fast then tried to walk afterwards. I remember thinking that if I could just make it to the desk by the door then I could take a break and stop...my right foot tried to take a step...and then everything went black. 

Just for a millisecond. Grandma Olson was right by me and grabbed onto me so I wouldn't fall. My sweet Grandma is 77 years old...she tried to catch me. My mind went to Teddy and how this was her moment to shine and here I was passing out... Ken wasn't far behind me and was trying his best to get to my side...but he was behind my Dad who was using a walker for his balance. When he finally reached me I saw the look of terror in his eyes. But I didn't want to worry him...so as soon as I got back to the original room..I put on a brave face and told everyone I was fine. And it wasn't a lie...as quick as the pain came, it left. Uncle Tex, got me some ice cold water and I sat in a chair close to the isle.. I felt fine. The pain left. But I could still see the look of fear in  everyone's eyes who met mine. 

While listening to the talks I was trying to remember the parts of the anatomy on the left side of the body...when I suddenly thought...oh, it must have been an ovarian cyst. Which are fairly common. And left it at that, because the next day was the 4th of July!!! 

Tina and Nate signed up for the Firecracker 5K. And Tina signed us up for it too! It has been one of my fitness goals for two years to run a 5 K. I'm so glad that I let her talk me into it...the race was so much fun!!  Although I was pretty worried about my pace...if you have ever ran/jogged with me...you'll know...I am so NOT a fast runner. Ken is...we start out at the same time...but his legs are longer than mine and he just shoots off..(yeah...we'll stick to that). I thought for sure that I would be the very last one to cross the finish line. I shouldn't have been worried..there were lots of people there who were at my speed or even slower. I even BEAT KEN!!  My time was 33:59 and Ken's was 34:00 so only by a sec...but that's all it takes..it is written down in the record books that I won...by a second, I am sure that next year..he'll win by a landslide. Tina and Nate's time was like 29 min.. they are super fast!
Tina and Pete talking about the race route.

Nate warming up before the race...he didn't want to squat it out with the rest us.

post workout selfie!

This is the winning team. and I totally crushed that goal...now on to the next one..... 


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