Happy Race day!!!

It's that time of year again!!! The day before this race I was at the Dr. office so for me to run this race I was so grate full for..because I didn't think I'd be able to...I mean having a UTI and trying to run a 5k..NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!! But yay for modern medicine!!! It's Holiday time!! 4th of July is probably one of my favorite holidays!!! And Yes Ken and I both ran the 5k Firecracker race this year and it was so much fun!!! Here are some pics.. Yup...a little bit of before the race action!! Yes Aunt Tina came for it..but we were not on her team this year...they chose to team up with other peeps...and that's cool...*sob...sob* I don't mind....I'm not hurt by that decision at all... :-) I was super duper nervous this year.. Ken said that he wasn't going to run with me..because I beat him last year. And GO!!!! He beat me you guys...by a lot!!! His time was like 28:11??( I think) He's MR. Speedy!! can you see me?!! How about ...