
So for Halloween...Leslie was Rey from STAR WARS and Sam was SuperMan.  Kylie dressed up as Carmella from WWE..but I didn't grab a picture of her. 

I subbed for her teacher that week. 

so a little story behind these teachers....the 5/6th grade teachers each year dress up and they don't tell anyone who they are going to be so it will remain a surprise. I was the sub for the whole week and I didn't even know until the day before. The Mad Hatter was a fluke she didn't know that we were going to be that day. It was so much fun!! I gave them the idea of The Little Mermaid for one year...maybe they'll do it! 
This was later that night at a combined ward's Trunk-or-Treat..


BEST COSTUME THERE!! Can you tell who she was?!! Weird AL!!! I love it!! 

I loved that every member in this family is dressed up. Ken and I keep saying we are going to dress up like Wayne and Garth...but it hasn't happened yet. 

How awesome is this family?!!

AH....Mr. Tobin...he is such a good sport for usually dressing up like a girl on Halloween...the students loved giving him a hard time... the woman next to him is our very loved Ms. Lane.  a student teacher..well hopefully by now...she is a teacher and just has to take her teaching cert. Leslie was nervous about having a student teacher...but she came to know her and loved her but she told me that she loves Mrs. Hill a lot more.  

It sure was fun...and I'm looking forward to next year.


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