A whirl win Summer

I can hardly believe that summer vacation is almost over! It doesn't seem like it's been 3 months but it is time for me to go back to work. Well in 1 more week...I totally will. But until then I will try to fit in as much as I can about our summer and all of the fun we had as a family. So there will probably be a ton of fun pictures to upload and talk about....oh...I was able to go to Girls' Camp with my oldest daughter and a bunch of fun girls from our ward.. I'm pretty sure that will have to be posted on its own. (there are a lot of pictures) We did the Firecracker 5K this year...and I did it with my Aunt Brittany, and Ken. There was also another friend Natalie that did it too....but I don't know what I was thinking and I didn't get any pictures of that race...I know that Ken did. My time went up from last year. Last year my time was 33.11 this year it was 34:07. Oh Well...I'm really only competing with myself. So next year that is my time to beat. ...