One Long Week!!!

Okay so last week to be very honest was one of the longest weeks of MY LIFE!!!! WHY?? You ask?? Well..... my body kinda plateaued for a couple of months. No matter what I did, how hard I worked out, how big the calorie deficit was at the end of the day....when it came time to weigh in.. I would maintain at 165. I think there was one week where I lost a lbs, then I would shoot right back up to 165... And I'm pretty happy with my weight. But I wouldn't mind droppin' a few more lbs. I don't want to be SUPER MODEL THIN...because quit frankly they look like they need to eat..or if you can guess this line of a movie...your awesome!! "Geez, somebody get that kid a sandwich!" Cuz that is one of the best movies EVER!!!!! So I don't want to loose too much, I know I set my goal ...