One Long Week!!!

Okay so last week to be very honest was one of the longest weeks of MY LIFE!!!!
                              WHY?? You ask??

Well..... my body kinda plateaued for a couple of months. No matter what I did, how hard I worked out, how big the calorie deficit was at the end of the day....when it came time to weigh in.. I would maintain at 165. I think there was one week where I lost a lbs, then I would shoot right back up to 165... And I'm pretty happy with my weight. But I wouldn't mind droppin' a few more lbs. I don't want to be SUPER MODEL THIN...because quit frankly they look like they need to eat..or if you can guess this line of a movie...your awesome!!  "Geez, somebody get that kid a sandwich!" Cuz that is one of the best movies EVER!!!!!
 So I don't want to loose too much, I know I set my goal weight at 150. I don't know if that is realistic or not...I'm only about 5'2". And I feel that this would be a good goal weight. If its not...that okay..I will hopefully get there! Heck...last year at this time I was in the 180' I know its possible I just have to want it  bad enough! If I think back I know what the culprit is/was....STUPID Christmas cookies, cakes, and anything sweet I ate it. I just kind of talked myself into eating it.***hangs head to admit defeat**

But I know I don't want to get any lower than said goal weight. I have to be SUPER careful!! I kind of had this problem in high school where I would workout for like 3 hours in the morning, take PE or dance during school..then come home and workout. Not very many people knew..I think my younger sister knew that I had some kind of problem....and that is about it. The point is for  me to not become obsessed with it! Don't feel sad or sorry that you didn't know....I didn't want ANYONE to know. I know why I did it...those BULLIES in middle school followed me all the way through High school.

ANYWAY.....sorry kind of got off topic...what was I saying?

Oh yeah! So last week I took it off from working out...and  finally on Thursday...I caved and did some yoga, and after that yoga I was soo stinkin sore, but not everywhere...just in the obliques. Weird, right??  And I HATE NOT WORKING OUT!!!! I have come to a realization that I needed to workout for my sanity! I totally looked forward to the endorphin rush during and after working out! I needed to workout so I could eat more!! Let me be quit honest I think my family NEEDED me to work out so I was NOT so grumpy!

This week I have been doing Les Mills Combat :Supreme Warrior Hybrid. Every single morning I have been waking up so sore! Let me tell ya EVERYWHERE!! I only thought that I would achieve muscle soreness in the biceps by lifting heavy...wrongo!! I woke up yesterday to sore biceps!! With combat yeah...there are some strength days and more body weight training...but not on Tuesday.  So maybe having that week off was a good much as it killed me I needed that rest so my body will get confused and hopefully I can break this darn plateau!
You can achieve anything...all you have to have is FAITH!!


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