It's the Holiday season!!!

T'was the week before Christmas when all through district #91 some choir teachers thought it would be amusing to have 2 concerts in 2 separate schools on the same night. The parents not so much! How exactly was I suppose to show support to both daughters?!! We did what any normal parents would do in this situation... We split up, JUST FOR THE CONCERTS!! Talk about divide and conquer baby!! It was great! Ken and Sam went to Leslie's concert...which was themed The Polar Express. And it was cute. Ken was able to get a couple of cute pictures and a video. When I watched it when we met back home...I couldn't help it...I started to cry because I don't want to miss these precious moments of her life. I don't want her to look out into the audience of anything she performs in and be that one parent who doesn't show, I can't handle that look of disappointment in my children's faces. So that left me...and my mom to go to Kylie's concert....